
Knowledge is empowerment. Empowerment is equality.
Equality is EmpoderaClima.


Aim & Mission

To empower youth in the Global South to adopt a gender lens in climate change impacts and solutions, through multilingual educational tools, and provide opportunities to advocate for a more sustainable, equitable and just future.

Filling the Gender Gap in Climate Action

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Gender norms in society can significantly influence the resources a person has access to, their role in the household or communities, and the impacts they may face as a result of climate change. The intersection between gender and climate change is clear, but many of the resources to learn and advocate around this topic are not accessible to people in the global south, especially women and LGBTIA+ folks. We want to make sure those that are most marginalized in society have information in their language that can give them the power to create climate solutions, to adapt to the impacts they are facing, and to create a more equal society in the process. There is no other program approaching this issue quite like EmpoderaClima, and we are proud to fill and shrink the gender gap with climate action and empowerment.


Conversations about gender and climate are happening, but many individuals across the world do not have access to educational resources, simply because they are not in their native language. We are breaking down language barriers in gender and climate justice in order to ensure young people can be part of these conversations.


Once someone has access to information, they have to be able to use it. Our team has access to dialogues at the international level that can shape the way the world thinks about gender and climate and implements solutions that use a gender lens. We engage and work closely with international institutions such as the United Nations and the G20.